Future Dharma News

Free Wills workshop for subscribers: 21 Feb 7.30pm GMT

Free Wills workshop for subscribers: 21 Feb 7.30pm GMT

We don’t know where the Dharma will be needed in the future. Just a few years ago we couldn’t have predicted the current thirst for the Dharma in Latin America, or that a Triratna group would want to start in Trinidad or Tokyo. We need to be ready to respond to where...

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The Death of, and rejoicing in Moksacitta

The Death of, and rejoicing in Moksacitta

I am writing to let you know of the death of Moksacitta, on 29th December, our friend and colleague at FutureDharma. All of us in the team are deeply saddened and shocked by her swift illness and death; a mere three months ago she was participating in the team and...

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FutureDharma Supporters get the Dharma to Trinidad

FutureDharma Supporters get the Dharma to Trinidad

Meet Hugh Skinner from Trinidad. Hugh is a permaculturist in his 90s and lives in a hermitage in the Trinidadian countryside. Hugh came across Subhuti’s Windhorse Publications book, ‘Buddhism for Today’, and was fascinated by the idea of a new society. This inspired...

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Welcome Shantamani: Estonia’s newest Order Member!

Welcome Shantamani: Estonia’s newest Order Member!

Shantamani is Estonia’s newest Order Member, ordained in Talinn in May 2022. Our supporters helped make Shantamani’s ordination possible, through funding Vajragupta’s regular visits to Estonia, which enabled their spiritual friendship to grow. In this short film made...

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Welcome New FutureDharma Team members!

Welcome New FutureDharma Team members!

It has been a delight to welcome Pundarika, as our Supporter Care Officer, and Anna Norbury, as our Communications Manager, to the team in recent weeks, and both are bringing skills and enthusiasm to their roles. Part of Pundarika’s responsibilities will be to provide...

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Farewell and Thank You Liz

Farewell and Thank You Liz

This week the FutureDharma team sadly said farewell to Liz, our Communications Manager and Digital Fundraiser. Aside from taking a few months out, Liz has been with FutureDharma from its inception, and she has been integral to our development and success in raising...

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LBC fundraising for FutureDharma

LBC fundraising for FutureDharma

We are very grateful to our friends at the London Buddhist Centre who will be fundraising for FutureDharma for a whole week from Monday 9th May. This is a generous and exciting contribution to support Dharma projects all over the world; "The Buddha's teaching sets out...

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Life is uncertain, but death is certain

Life is uncertain, but death is certain

Did you make a start on your Will? I know, it's a very direct question to ask. But perhaps there's no other way when talking about death and our highest values.   "If we're looking to do something that matters in the world we need to think about the largest frame...

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International Sangha Day

International Sangha Day

Wow - here in the north of England the winter has arrived. It's cold! And I've got no heating as the water is turned off whilst my shower gets repaired. So I'm writing to you wrapped up in blankets and wearing my trusty yellow hat! Abhayasara looked a lot warmer in...

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