A Gift in Your Will

You might have already decided to leave a gift to FutureDharma projects in your will, or you might be here to find out more. Whichever way, we hope you’ll find everything you need on this page.

If your mind is made up and you’re just looking for the details you’ll need, these are:

Our name: FutureDharma Fund

Our address: Adhisthana, Coddington Court, Ledbury, HR8 1JL, UK

Our charity number: 1167344

It’s really helpful to us to know that you’re including FutureDharma in your will and you can do this with the short “Tell us about your will” form further down this page. 

If you’re wanting to find out more, how about starting by hearing some of our friends explain why they’ve put FutureDharma in their will by watching the short video below. 

Your Will might be the biggest gift you will ever make. You may have loved ones you wish to care for. By writing a will you can also continue to give to projects you’ve given your life energy to – even after this lifetime.

Making a Will is easier than you might think

To start, decide who you want to give your money and any property to. In addition to FutureDharma Fund you may also like to think about giving to your local Buddhist centre or group or other Triratna Charities.

Please complete this form

It’d be helpful to us to know that you’re including FutureDharma Fund in your Will, so please complete this form.

…. Life
Slips through our fingers
Like snow. Life
Cannot belong to us. We
Belong to Life.


From Life is King

Autumn Leaves

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to use a solicitor?

Most use the help of a solicitor or will writer. In the UK, solicitors who are members of the Law Society and will writers who are members of The Society of Will Writers or The Institute of Professional Will Writers, will be fully qualified in making wills. You may want to write your will with Satyadasa at Greengate Wills. Satyadasa is a member of the Society of Will Writers, a non-practicising solicitor, and fully insured to write wills.

What do I need to include?

You need to include our name FutureDharma Fund, address Adhisthana, Coddington Court, Ledbury, HR8 1JL, and our Charity Number 1167344. By writing that your gift is for “the general charitable purposes” of the FutureDharma Fund and adding “but without imposing a binding trust” you will allow the Trustees to decide how best to use it at the time is received.

Is it best to leave an amount or a percentage of my estate?

The best way to ensure that your gift retains its value and keeps up with inflation is to make a Residuary Gift. This can be all, or a percentage, of the value of your estate. In this way you can be confident that the FutureDharma Fund will receive the proportion of your estate that you wanted to give. The suggested wording would be:

“I give the whole/a X% share of the residue of my estate to the FutureDharma Fund (Charity Number 1167344), to be used for its general charitable purposes, and I declare that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my Executors.”

You could leave a fixed sum of money e.g. £1000. This is known as a Pecuniary Gift. You should be aware however that your gift would become less valuable over time.

Can I leave land or a property such as a house?

You can leave FutureDharma Fund a percentage of other assets e.g. property or land. The wording would be the same except that you specify the gift rather than the sum of money.

What if I already have a will?

You can change your will at any time. You can make a change or addition by making a codicil. This simple document must be drawn up and witnessed in the same way as the original will.

Other things to think About

Family and Friends

It is a good idea to talk about your plans with family and friends. You will need to choose two people to be the executors of your will. They will be responsible for ensuring your wishes are carried out. You will need to check that they are happy to take on this responsibility.


As a charity, FutureDharma Fund won’t have to pay tax on the money you leave us. But if your estate is worth more than the current allowance your family and friends will have to pay inheritance tax on any gift you leave them. You may want to weight your will so that the post-tax distribution is as you want it to be. A solicitor or will writer will be able to help with this.

Signing and witnessing

You must sign the will, and this signature needs to be witnessed by two independent adult witnesses who are present at the same time, and who are not beneficiaries or married to beneficiaries. It is important to remember that a trustee or employee of FutureDharma Fund must not act as a witness as this might invalidate the will.