Work a Day for the Dharma

One day. Each month. For the things you care about.

Work occupies most of our time.

But what are we working for? 

The Dharma teaches us that we have to grow; we have to think beyond our needs and consider the needs of the world. The world needs the Dharma, so how can we support that while holding down a career?

Make a pledge or contact us if you are already giving a day or more to the Dharma.

Make a Pledge

Join a community of Dharma workers

We'll be hosting group meditations and "work as practice" sessions for pledgers every full-moon day so that we can dedicate our work days together.

1 What's one day of your work?

Enter your monthly take-home pay here to find out how much one day of income is.

This data will not be saved or seen by anybody (including us).

day(s) per week
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2 How much can you give?

One day of your income is: £____

(We've rounded the day amount to the nearest 0.50 for easier maths.)

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3 Who will you give to?

The world needs the Dharma. Split your gift across Triratna.

Adjust the amounts to what you'd like to give to each Triratna charity.

Total Gift: £100

Drag the sliders to change the portions:

Future Dharma
Order Office

Future Dharma

Broaden your Dharma practice to include all beings, around the world.


Order Office

Suggested dana for order members – £15 per month

(Suggested Order Office dana is £15 per month)

Add more charities:

International Charities

Abhayaratna Trust
+ Add
College of Public Preceptors
+ Add
Dharmachakra (Free Buddhist Audio & The Buddhist Centre Online)
+ Add
European Chairs Assembly
+ Add
India Dhamma Trust
+ Add
International Council
+ Add
Karuna Trust
+ Add
Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust
+ Add
Windhorse Publications
+ Add

Local Centres & Groups

Add a local centre or group:

Adelaide Buddhist Centre
+ Add
Amsterdam Boeddhistich Centrum (Amsterdam Buddhist Centre)
+ Add
Arnhem Buddhist Centre
+ Add
Auckland Buddhist Centre
+ Add
Berlin Buddhist Centre
+ Add
Birmingham Buddhist Centre
+ Add
Blackburn Buddhist Centre
+ Add
Boston Buddhist Center
+ Add
Brighton Buddhist Centre
+ Add
Brisbane Group
+ Add
Bristol Buddhist Centre
+ Add
Brixton Buddhist Community
+ Add
+ Add
Buddhismus Wiesbaden
+ Add
Buddhistisches Zentrum Essen (Essen Buddhist Centre)
+ Add
Buddhistisches Zentrum Minden (Minden Buddhist Centre)
+ Add
Buddhistisches tor Berlin (Berlin Buddhist Centre)
+ Add
Budismo Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo Buddhist Centre)
+ Add
Bury St Edmunds
+ Add
Cambridge Buddhist Centre
+ Add
Cardiff Buddhist Centre
+ Add
Centre Bouddhiste Paris (Paris Buddhist Centre)
+ Add
Centre Bouddhiste Triratna d'Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand Buddhist Centre)
+ Add
Centro Budista Valencia (Valencia Buddhist Centre)
+ Add
Centro Budista de Barcelona (Barcelona Buddhist Centre)
+ Add

Retreat Centres & GFR Teams

Add a local centre or group:

+ Add
+ Add
Alfoxton Park
+ Add
Aryaloka Retreat Centre (USA)
+ Add
Dhanakosa Retreat Centre
+ Add
Dharmadhara Meditation Center (USA)
+ Add
+ Add
Indian Ordination Teams
+ Add
Meditationshaus Vimaladhatu
+ Add
Metta Vihara
+ Add
+ Add
Rivendell Retreat Centre
+ Add
Shubha Vihara (Ireland)
+ Add
+ Add
+ Add
+ Add
+ Add
उर्ज्ञेन संघरक्षिता ध्यान केंद्र वारकावाड़ी नांदेड़ (Urgyen Sangharakshita Meditation Center Warkawadi Nanded)
+ Add
नागलोक (Nagaloka)
+ Add
सद्दाम प्रदीप रिट्रीट सेंटर भाजे (Saddhama Pradeep Retreat Centre, Bhaja)
+ Add
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Confirm your pledge

To confirm, tell us your name and email address. We'll let each charity know how much you want to give to them. They'll contact you to let you know how to fulfil your pledge.

Your contact info and pledge data as shown above will be shared with only the specified charities.

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