Comunidad Budista Triratna Puebla
How It Started
How It's Going
A vision for a Triratna Sangha in the city of Pueblo, Mexico led to an emerging group starting in January 2022. Pueblo is the fourth largest city in Mexico with a population of around three million. In the year and a half since we started Dharma activities - with no Order presence living in Puebla - we have attracted a small but keen and growing Sangha.
This initiative was led by Samamati, Aryavadin, Satara and Danamuktin – plus a mitra Alejandro Jiménez. Samamati lived in Mexico from 1998 to 2003 and witnessed how ripe the country was for the Dharma and how valuable Triratna was to the people living there. He resumed visiting Mexico from 2008; principally to support Moksananda in the Ordination Process for Men.
Samamati covered all of their expenses in these early days themselves but as time went on, and the need grew greater, it became clear further support was needed. Some financial contribution has been given previously by The Windhorse Trust, the Ordination Process and the Mexico City Buddhist Centre. Although the grant from Future Dharma is small the impact of the visit it enables on the Pueblo Sangha and the Order team living there is deeply significant.
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