Supporting Triratna to Thrive
We're here to support the international Triratna Buddhist Community.
Our Story
In 1967, Urgyen Sangharakshita led a short ritual in a basement in central London and a new Buddhist movement was born.

A little over half a century later, the Triratna Buddhist Community is flourishing worldwide with over 130 centres and groups in five continents. Triratna offers the priceless Dharma jewel freely to all in the spirit of open-handed generosity. Each Centre or group is its own legal entity and operates autonomously.
Our most successful centres go from strength to strength as evermore people join in and give their time, energy, and money to grow the Sangha. However, it's difficult for smaller and newer groups to reach that critical mass; the valuable autonomy of Centres makes centralised funding challenging. It's for this reason, that FutureDharma was born.
Launched in 2017, FutureDharma exists to facilitate the flow of generosity throughout our International community. We help people take their practice further than their local situation by sharing stories from developing sanghas and providing opportunities to support them.
Thanks to our generous supporters, we've delivered grants to over 48 projects around the world in the last seven years, helping countless people transform their lives through the Buddha's teachings.

"FutureDharma is precisely the actualisation of the is our attempt to change the world by spreading the Dharma and that is the manifestation of our Bodhisattva purpose."
Our Team

Future Dharma has the potential to become a bold and ambitious expression of Sangharakshita’s vision of ‘Transforming self, transforming world’. For all of us it is an opportunity to ask how we want to use our resources for the greatest good, and the world certainly needs dynamic and effective expressions and communication of the Dharma, which the Fund aims to enable.

What a privilege it is to spend my days working for the Dharma, surrounded by committed and inspiring practitioners! I have enormous gratitude for what the gift of the Dharma has done for me; for how it is uniquely presented by Bhante. It is only right that I commit the greater part of my time and energy trying to pay this gift forward. I can think of no better vehicle to do this than FutureDharma.

I’m deeply inspired by the open handed mudra of generosity and the teaching of there being no difference between the giver, the gift and the receiver. FutureDharma Fund allows us all to play our part in that vision and enable many around the world to benefit directly from the Buddha’s teaching to end suffering.

Catching the Dharma at my local Centre is the greatest gift I have been given. The conditions that enabled that happening to occur were born out of the dedication and generosity of many many folk, over many many years, a lineage that goes back to the Buddha himself. My wish is to make the dharma available to as many people in the world as possible, and it’s a delight to know that my working life can contribute to this.

I believe strongly in fundraising as a spiritual practice. Two years after joining this wonderful Order I have recently stepped away from a career in news journalism to respond to the need that arose in Future Dharma in early 2023 for a fundraiser. I’ve done this because I know the vital role that Future Dharma has in ensuring the growth and deepening of our movement. Again and again I’ve experienced in myself and in friends the transformative effect of meeting the Buddha Dharma as enunciated by Bhante. I’m excited to be in a position to be able to contribute to ensuring many more people benefit in the same way for decades and centuries to come.

I have long wanted to work in a Team Based Right Livelihood and I am over the moon to be a part of this magnificent team. Spreading the Dharma throughout the world while aspiring to embody the Bodhisattva Ideal is a beautiful way to practice.

I have spent the last 11 years pioneering in Barcelona. It gives me so much satisfaction to see people here connect with the Sangha and ‘begin to get Triratna’. It is a source of deeper joy when one starts to notice people beginning to significantly transform their lives and worlds based on Bhante’s vision. It’s clear to me that Triratna needs more bold pioneers, many qualities are needed to pioneer effectively, a key factor is also funding! I work part time for Future Dharma, it feels very much the same work I am engaged with at the Barcelona Buddhist Centre. This reaching out with the Buddha’s teaching inspires me and I want to help others to also reach out through my work for Future Dharma helping to raise funds.

It might be apocryphal, but I love the story of someone asking Bhante if he could have Enlightenment or £1 million what he would choose. Apparently, he said £1 million because “with practice, Enlightenment is guaranteed – but to practice and share the Dharma we need resources!

I’m so glad to have benefited from, and participated in the Triratna Buddhist Community, From my first visit to Birmingham Buddhist Centre in 2003 all the way through to living in residential communities, working in team based right livelihoods and being ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order. Across the world, members of our community are helping people make contact with the Three Jewels and Sangharakshita’s teaching, in unique ways appropriate to their individual situations. The Future Dharma Fund helps make sure these efforts have the funding they need so that others can benefit as I have.
Our Trustees

FutureDharma is a great opportunity to strategically direct our resources. That way we can make the Dharma as widely available as possible and support deepening of its practice for the benefit of beings.

FutureDharma is a great opportunity to strategically direct our resources. That way we can make the Dharma as widely available as possible and support deepening of its practice for the benefit of beings.

FutureDharma is a great opportunity to strategically direct our resources. That way we can make the Dharma as widely available as possible and support deepening of its practice for the benefit of beings.

FutureDharma is a great opportunity to strategically direct our resources. That way we can make the Dharma as widely available as possible and support deepening of its practice for the benefit of beings.

FutureDharma is a great opportunity to strategically direct our resources. That way we can make the Dharma as widely available as possible and support deepening of its practice for the benefit of beings.

FutureDharma is a great opportunity to strategically direct our resources. That way we can make the Dharma as widely available as possible and support deepening of its practice for the benefit of beings.

FutureDharma is a great opportunity to strategically direct our resources. That way we can make the Dharma as widely available as possible and support deepening of its practice for the benefit of beings.
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