Supporting a new group in Tokyo
How It Started
How It's Going

Future Dharma has committed to fund £3000, over a three year period, to support Aryapala primarily with travel costs and language lessons. For new sanghas such as this one it is vital to have an experienced Order Member who has a history of supporting new conditions.
Aryapala found Triratna in 1995, he’s lived in community, worked in Team Based Right Livelihood and spent fourteen years living and working at Padmaloka, including time as Chair.
Aryapala therefore has a lot of experience with supporting new Triratna situations.
Being an international city means that a significant percentage of the Sangha are not Japanese, or brought up in Japan. This cultural mix has allowed for Triratna to take shape and it’s principal characteristics of ecumenicalism and practice being primary has welcomed a committed core group.
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