International Sangha Day

Wow - here in the north of England the winter has arrived. It's cold! And I've got no heating as the water is turned off whilst my shower gets repaired. So I'm writing to you wrapped up in blankets and wearing my trusty yellow hat!Abhayasara looked a lot warmer in Venezuela last week, that's for sure! Abhayasara was updating us on the building work they're doing so they can offer classes to more people in their community.Life in Merida is still fraught with difficulties for many people, but the Merida Centre is a peaceful refuge for their sangha. And as Abhaysara spoke I could hear birds outside her window.[Subtitles are available in English and German. Simply click on the CC button on the bottom of right of the video when it's playing]We played our video on International Sangha Day last Sunday and asked for gifts to help us reach the £3,000 we've promised to Merida. At the latest count, 48 people had given a total of £1,800. If you were one of them, Thank you!

Did you spot that the Translator is FutureDharma's very own Sugarbha? As well as running the Buddhist Centre in Barcelona, Spain, Sugarbha is a fundraises for us. Over the next few weeks, we'll feature more FutureDharma team members and the Triratna projects that are closest to their hearts. Please look out for them.With metta, (and blankets),LizPS - it's not too late to give to support the work in Merida and our other projects. Any gifts, no matter what size, will make a difference.