The Translations Project exists to spread Sangharakshita’s presentation of the Dharma as widely as possible and make it available to all. The project supports and coordinates translators working in a range of languages.  It ensures that our translators, editors, and designers work together, sharing their expertise, and coordinating their efforts.

Already the Project is working in Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish and Spanish, and will expand into other languages.  These books ensure the authentic transmission of Sangharakshita’s teachings around the world and help promote harmony and shared understanding throughout our movement.

Reading the Dharma in our own language can be life-changing:

… this is quite an important principle, quite a fundamental principle, in fact, of Buddhism. That one should expound the Dharma to people in their own language, so that they can grasp them.


Sangharakshita’s “Guide to the Buddhist Path” completely changed my life and gave me direction on the spiritual path like a lamp. In the Human Realm of the Wheel of Life, the Buddha is depicted with a book in his hand as the means by which we reach Enlightenment. 

Ira Hovanskaya

Krakow, Poland

Studying the Survey of Buddhism on the Transcendental Principle in Padmaloka turned my life upside down…. I’m grateful for Sangharakshita’s genius and the translator’s effort.


Padmaloka, UK

Meeting the Buddhas 

Sangharakshita’s books are available in Swedish libraries 

I often struggle to find the right words when trying to communicate and discuss the Dharma in Swedish…  I have come to trust and appreciate how Viryabodhi’s translations capture the spirit and deeper meaning of Sangharakshita’s teachings. I am so grateful for his skillful and beautiful translations.

Per Wikman Svahn


“Mind: Reactive and Creative” was the first work of Sangharakshita’s that I read from start to finish… Sangharakshita’s explanations had simplicity, clarity, and unfathomable depth, all at once. And most important of all, I could make sense of them! …  At one time while sitting in a cafe, I was startled to realise that Dukkha was something that everybody experiences.

