“Future Dharma is like a hidden treasure which supports so many amazing projects throughout our world wide Triratna communities” – Prajnasisya


Can you help us raise £1,800 for vital Dharma projects around the world?

From Scarborough to Sao Paulo, Tokyo to Toluca – The World Needs What We’ve Been Given. Pass It On.


£1,022 raised so far
£1,800 goal

What your gift can make happen


£9/€10/$11 per month

Will help fund ongoing core Triratna projects like Windhorse Publications and The Buddhist Centre Online
Opening of Krakow Buddhist Centre

£18/€20/$22 per month

Allows FutureDharma to respond to inspiring trailblazing Dharma projects, wherever they are in the World
Budhist Centre Online

£42/€48/$52 per month

Every 7 people who give – or increase their existing donation by – £42 a month, is the same as supporting an Indian Ordination Team member for a whole year