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Support Windhorse Publications to develop publications and debate on crucial issues from a Buddhist perspective.

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​Help inspire people with the Dharma worldwide

The world is in crisis — from mental health to the environment — and COVID has added extra pressure on people and resources.

How to live, what to do? We urgently need to develop perspectives on the human situation so that we can orientate ourselves in these confusing times.

Windhorse Publications has been producing books and debate on the great question of how best to live from a Dharmic perspective for decades. Many Windhorse titles have been translated into multiple languages, spreading the Dharma across the world.

But during lock-down Buddhist Centres around the world closed, which meant their book shops closed too.

In these difficult financial times the Windhorse team responded by giving away 1000’s of free Dharma book downloads, and developing new titles such as The Burning House: A Buddhist Response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency and other titles about practicing Buddhism in the modern world.

And we want to support their work. Help Windhorse Publications as they expand the production and distribution of Dharma books that inspire and guide!

Dharmacharini Dhammamegha

As a not-for-profit enterprise, our aim and purpose is to communicate Buddhism clearly in the 21st century, and FutureDharma Fund are supporting us to do just that.


Publishing Director, Windhorse Publications